Congratulations On The Q3 2022 Swap-Free Campaign Beneficiaries!

2022-10-26 | CFDs , Commodities , Featured Article , Forex , Gold , Latest News , Overnight Swaps , Swap-Free

Swap Fees Waived Up to USD 800,000 ++ In Q3 2022 

Doo Prime would like to express our sincerest gratitude to the clients who have been giving continuous support to our Swap-Free and Swap Reduction Campaign. 

The first round of the campaign started since 26th of March 2022 and it was renewed with an addition – forex major CFDs, moving out from Swap Reduction to the Swap-Free line on 2nd of July 2022.  

It is no doubt that the Swap-Free and Swap Reduction Campaign has become one of our most welcome promotional campaigns. The campaigns’ benefits has impacted our clients in many advantageous ways. 

Let’s check how the third quarter of the Swap-Free and Swap Reduction Campaign has benefited our clients since the beginning of the campaign.

Trading Volume Increases Drastically 

Despite all sorts of concurrent impactive events, Doo Prime’s trading volume has been increasing steadily since the beginning of the year. As shown in the chart, a significant growth was seen since the first round of Swap-Free and Swap Reduction Campaign started. There is even a breakthrough growth in May, while the trading volume in other months remained consistent.  

The Swap-Free and Swap Reduction Campaign has contributed quite some credits to the significant growth in our trading volume.  

How Much Money Has The Campaign Saved For Our Clients?  

This campaign aims to help our clients to maximize their trading yields by minimizing the trading cost and reducing the risk in trading.    

Let’s take a look at the amount of swap fees of our clients have saved from this campaign. Participants of Doo Prime’s Swap-Free and Swap Reduction Campaign have saved around USD 170,011.34 of overnight interest fees for the previous quarter (March to June 2022) and USD 827,279.77 for this quarter (July to September 2022).  

The salvaged amount has increased 486.6% in total.  

We are once again proud to share that we have achieved the goal of this campaign. We could not have done this without all the participants of the campaign.  

Need Not Pay For Swap If You Trade With Us 

The diagram below is the swap charges in Doo Prime from July 2022 to September 2022. Here is an idea of the amount of Swap Fees charges waived for Doo Prime clients during the campaign period.    

*Data Obtained on 18th October 2022 

People’s daily expenses have reached a new high due to the recent surge of inflation and the soon-to-come recession. More people are now willing to step out of their comfort zone to have higher earnings to ease their economic burden. For example, many are chasing the stock market by day trading in the pandemic and some decided to invest in real estate like the Airbnb business.  

Regardless, the ultimate outcome is to earn more for a better living quality and ease economic burden.  

By joining our campaign, participants do not have to pay extra for the overnight position holding interest fees. Instead, the salvaged amount could be channeled to better purposes like paying bills and necessities, or buying things that would improve living quality.  

Some examples are provided on how the salvaged fortune can be utilized for better purposes:   

** The $ sign represents USD dollar.  

Top 5 Most Popular Products Traded During Campaign

In comparison with the previous round of Swap-Free and Swap Reduction Campaign, the most traded products for this round of campaign were XAU/USD, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY followed by XTI/USD.   

Gold CFDs trading has once again become our most traded product to date. The difference to note is the joined Forex Major CFDs have turned the tables as spot indices CFDs are no longer in the top 5 list, and were replaced by commodities CFDs, XTI/USD. Most likely due to the surge of global energy demand.  

Even though XAU/USD has the highest trading volume, but there are more Forex CFDs on the list. Not to mention forex CFDs had a higher trading volume compared to the previous quarter.  

Join Us On The Next Quarter! 

Beginners or experienced traders are welcome to join the campaign. Doo Prime looks forward to witnessing our growth in the next quarter and hopes to continue triumphing together with you.  

Seize this window of opportunity, and trade with Doo Prime without paying exorbitant overnight interest rates. Contact Doo Prime’s 24/7 multilingual support team now to activate the Swap-Free option on multiple trading terminals including MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, TradingView, Doo Prime InTrade, and more before the campaign is gone!  

* Please note that the following information is acquired as of 18th October 2022.  

For more campaign-related terms and conditions, clients may access our help center or contact your 1-on-1 dedicated account manager. 

| About Doo Prime  

Our Trading Instruments       

Securities | Futures | Forex | Precious Metals | Commodities | Stock Indices   

Doo Prime is an international pre-eminent online broker under Doo Group, which strives to provide professional investors with global CFD trading products in Securities, Futures, Forex, Commodities, Stock Indices, and Funds. At present, Doo Prime is delivering the finest trading experience to more than 60,000 professional clients, with an average trading volume of more than USD51.223 billion each month.   

Doo Prime entities respectively holds the relevant financial regulatory licenses in Seychelles, Mauritius, and Vanuatu with operation centers in Dallas, Sydney, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, and other regions.   

With robust financial technology infrastructure, well-established partnerships, and an experienced technical team, Doo Prime boasts a safe and secure trading environment, competitive trading costs, as well as deposit and withdrawal methods that support 10 different currencies. Doo Prime also incorporates 24/7 multilingual customer service and extremely fast trade execution via multiple industry-leading trading terminals such as MT4, MT5, TradingView, and InTrade, covering over 10,000 trading products.   

Doo Prime’s vision and mission are to become a financial technology-focused broker, streamlining international global financial products investment.    

For more information about Doo Prime, please contact us at:   

Europe : +44 11 3733 5199   
Asia : +852 3704 4241    
Asia – Singapore: +65 6011 1415   
Asia – China : +86 400 8427 539   

Technical Support: [email protected]   
Sales Representative: [email protected]    

Risk Disclosure   

Trading in financial instruments involves high risks due to the fluctuation in the value and prices of the underlying financial instruments. Due to the adverse and unpredictable market movements, large losses exceeding the investor’s initial investment could incur within a short period of time. The past performance of a financial instrument is not an indication of its future performance.  Investments in certain services should be made on margin or leverage, where relatively small movements in trading prices may have a disproportionately large impact on the client’s investment and client should therefore be prepared to suffer significant losses when using such trading facilities.    

Please make sure you read and fully understand the trading risks of the respective financial instrument before engaging in any transaction with Doo Prime’s trading platforms. You should seek independent professional advice if you do not understand any of the risks disclosed by us herein or any risk associated with the trade and investment of financial instruments. Please refer to Doo Prime’s Client Agreement and Risk Disclosure and Acknowledgement Notice to find out more.  


This information is addressed to the general public solely for information purposes and should not be taken as investment advice, recommendation, offer, or solicitation to buy or sell any financial instrument. The information displayed herein has been prepared without any reference or consideration to any particular recipient’s investment objectives or financial situation. Any references to the past performance of a financial instrument, index, or a packaged investment product shall not be taken as a reliable indicator of its future performance. Doo Prime and its holding company, affiliates, subsidiaries, associated companies, partners and their respective employees, make no representation or warranties to the information displayed and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential loss or damages incurred a result of any inaccuracies or incompleteness of the information provided, and any direct or indirect trading risks, profit, or loss arising from any individual’s or client’s investment. 

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